adhd assessment

5 Signs to Look For If You Suspect Your Child Has ADHD

If you suspect your child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), it’s important to look for certain signs to obtain an accurate diagnosis. It’s estimated that 5.4 million children between the ages of four and 17 are diagnosed with ADHD. An ADHD assessment may reveal that your child is among this number. Here are some telltale signs to look for if you believe your child might have the disorder.

1. Poor Concentration and Easily Distracted

One common sign of ADHD is difficulty concentrating on tasks, such as schoolwork or chores. People with this condition may become easily distracted by seemingly random things and have trouble focusing on the task at hand. If you find that your child is frequently getting off-task or zoning out, it may be worth considering an ADHD assessment.

2. Impulsive Behavior

People with ADHD tend to act with impulsivity without considering consequences.  A child may exhibit socially inappropriate behavior, such as an inability to wait their turn, calling out in class, or interrupting conversations. If your child acts impulsively and oftentimes can’t control their words or actions, it could be a sign of ADHD.

3. Difficulty Sitting Still

Children with ADHD may have difficulty sitting still for extended periods of time and tend to exhibit increased fidgeting and restlessness. For example, in the classroom, they may squirm in their seats or bounce their legs up and down. Look out for this symptom if your child displays it more frequently than other children.

4. Poor Organizational Skills

If your child has difficulty managing their personal belongings, organizing tasks, and adhering to deadlines, they could have ADHD. People with the disorder may be forgetful and disorganized, and this can cause increased levels of stress.

5. Emotional Outbursts

Those with ADHD often struggle to express their emotions or healthily control them. You may notice that your child has frequent temper tantrums, cries easily, and reacts harshly when something doesn’t go their way. If your child is having difficulty managing emotions in a socially acceptable manner, it may be worth looking into an ADHD assessment.

In addition to looking for the aforementioned signs, it is imperative to acknowledge the role genetics can play in the development of ADHD. If you or a close relative are affected by the condition, it is important to take that into consideration when seeking an ADHD assessment. In fact, according to the CDC, as many as 25% of people with ADHD have a close relative who has also been diagnosed. If you suspect that your child may have ADHD, don’t hesitate to schedule an ADHD assessment with Elements Psychological Services.